Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sweet Days at Home

A few soft and sweet pictures of my baby girl.

And a few more of my little man playing with his toys.  
He loves to push other kids around on this car, but when no one is here to play, he just fills up the trunk with random toys and pushes it around anyway.

I was so happy when I captured this expression.  I see it a lot and is one I want to remember.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Our First Adventure -- With the Four of Us

Adam and I decided it was time to get out of the house --- we had been inside doing the same thing for days; however there are limited options with two babies in tow.  We decided to go for an evening drive...our first since Morgan was born. We drove south on Hwy 23 and then ventured out on a few gravel roads.  Thank goodness for Google maps or we most certainly would have been very lost.

While driving I was thinking back many years and about how our relationship has developed throughout time.  In the past we would get so mad at each other whenever we would lose our way.  Most of the time Adam was driving and I would be reading the map.  I am not the best map reader.  Now, when we are lost it turns into an adventure and neither of us get frustrated. We just laugh and work our way through it.  I am not really sure what changed, but it is better and for that I am happy. It reminds me of the Brad Paisley song, Little Moments and the line "lost but holding hands".  ♥♥♥

Tristan enjoyed the car ride and was happy to have his baby sister riding along with him.

Morgan looks kind of grumpy in this photo, but once we were going she never made a peep.

I also tried out a few settings on my camera while we were driving.  This shot was taken out of the car window.  I also played with a few new editing tricks I have learned in Photoshop.



So Serious

Why are you so serious Tristan?  I took this picture while Tristan was sitting next to Apple on the floor one sunny afternoon. He certainly was contemplating something...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Little Valentine

Morgan is absolutely my sweet little valentine baby.  

At first I was a little unsure of so much pink. I even went on a special shopping trip to buy newborn clothing in colors other than pink. I do afterall have a little boy who is so busy and so charming.  I really had no idea what to do with a little girl.  I only knew mud puddles, messy faces and wrestling.  -----But now, I have this beautiful little girl and pink really seems like her color.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Not So Sleepy Newborn

A few more pictures of my sweet baby Morgan.  

I had great intentions one afternoon of doing this elaborate photo shoot with Morgan.  I even convinced Adam to take Tristan to the aquarium so it was just Morgan and I in the house.  Well, Morgan had other plans....she wanted to eat and be awake the entire time my boys were away.  Taking pictures of an awake newborn is just not the same as a sleeping newborn.  Their eyes go all crossed and they make the goofiest of faces.  I plan on trying again soon, although that newborn stage is so short!  She has already gained a pound.

A big yawn....

I love babies in white.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

For the Love of Family

My mom was so nice to stay a few extra days after Morgan was born.  It helped so much just to have her around.  I was not quite so much of a basket case this way.  She also finished the baby blankets, brought a bunch of freezer meals, a bag of clothes for Morgan -- I am so sure I am forgetting so many other things.  

So thank you, thank you mom. Adam and I both mean that.  We are so grateful. And thank you dad for letting her stay so long ( I know you probably missed her like crazy at home), for driving to Duluth in the middle of the night, wrestling around with Tristan, helping with the cooking and also so many other things.

We love you!!

Andy, Kelly and Lexie came to visit the Saturday after Morgan was born.  They also brought and made food and came with lots of cute clothes for Morgan. I can hardly wait until they fit her.

Snuggling with Auntie Kelly.  I did not get a picture with uncle Andy. :(  Next time for sure!! 

My little Tristan being silly in one of my hats.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Ninja Turtle Style

Before Morgan was born I bought this wrap called a Baby K'Tan.  I thought it would be easier than the Moby wrap, but I have yet to figure it out.  Tristan however decided he wanted to give it a go, so Adam wrapped it around him all Ninja Turtle style.  He liked it and decided to rock it with the sun glasses.  I think he looks a little Elton John!

A couple more the same day eating some lunch...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was a little out of sorts this year considering Morgan was born only two days before.  I was not expecting anything and did not plan on doing anything....other than lounging around the house.  However; Adam and Tristan went to the grocery store to get the ingredients for spaghetti and came home with flowers. It was so sweet to see Tristan carrying in a bundle of flowers and hearing Adam say "give those to mom".  I wish I had a picture.  

The white roses and lilies were beautiful.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Welcome to the World Baby Morgan

Our little Morgan Mae arrived on February 12th, 2013.  
She was born at 2:50 am - weighed 7 pounds 5 oz and was 21 3/4 inches long.  
My water broke at 10:30 pm, we arrived to the hospital by midnight and she was born a quick three hours later. Adam was just leaving for work when everything started happening.  Thankfully he was still home because labor started almost immediately. We had to rush Dakota over to watch Tristan, call my parents and leave for the hospital.

Tristan is a proud big brother. He gives Morgan lots of hugs and kisses and head rubs.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Come Play With Me

Tristan loves to be tickled and wrestled and tossed around - the more the better....especially when Adam is involved.  Adam can really make him belly laugh like no one else.